Friday, June 24, 2005

la daze

we spent yesterday and today in LA - i'm sure dan will have more to say about it than me because after all, i live here, but i suppose i have a little to say about it. we've spent a lot of time talking about the difference between LA and other places - pretty much every other place. you don't set out to become a los angelan - you just end up there. all of a sudden you're just LIVING there without planning to, and none of it seems strange to you until you go somewhere else and everyone else reminds you how weird your hometown is.

so yesterday we went to the LA county museum of art and saw weird exhibits. i wish i had pictures - the guy was really cool, he made all these strange mechanized sculptures and things like that. then we went to the tar pits - odd, ancient bubbling black pools in the middle of west LA. for dinner we hit up pink's, the best hot dog place in the world, for very tasty dogs, with pastrami and sauerkraut on top. mmmmmm. we're basically having a gastronomical tour of LA, because today, we went to philippe's, the home of the french dip (and very spicy mustard). TODAY however we did something unique to ourselves - we went to the "infusion" gallery where dad's dinosaur was being displayed. today was the day he had to take it home, so we did. we dismantled the 12-foot giant into its separate parts - skull, torso, arms, legs, tail and pelvis - and carried it 100 feet down the streets of downtown LA to put it in the car. it was kind of hilarious, although i have to say we didn't get as many stares as i expected, probably not as many as we get from the antlers on the front of the car. maybe people are just used to weird stuff in los angeles.


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